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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog On, John Donne...

Just in case anyone thought the reason I've neglected the blog is that I was overly sad about Steve Jobs, rest assured the real reason is we were on a three-week, 6,500 mile road trip to the States. We talked about going back over Thanksgiving, but Patty wisely suggested we head out now, since we weren't working and the weather was bound to be better than in late November. She was mostly right. Anyway, we're back from seeing family and friends in Iowa, Texas, and Illinois.

Nothing says "U.S.A!"like monster trucks.

Everything was rolling along nicely. Beautiful vistas, especially in Banff and the parks in B.C.

At about the 6,000 mile mark, the weather started to turn.

White trees and white knuckles.

But the weather eventually cleared.

And we saw bears.

The trip wasn't without beer. This was a particularly great brew pub in a city in Saskatchewan that rhymes with a female body part. For those of you who are geographically or anatomically impaired, it's also the capital.

Patty swears that this huevos rancheros was the best breakfast she's ever had. My Texas breakfast burrito was also quite good. What's unusual is that this place, the Big Bend Cafe, isn't in Texas at all, but in Golden, B.C., a couple hours outside Banff. We kind of also fell in love with Golden and thought we might like to move there, next year or so, when the global economy collapses.


  1. While you were gone: reputable economists and business owners dismiss Republican claims that taxes and excessive regulation are the reason can't jump start the economy. Obama's plan to pul all troops out of Iraq this year is an awful idea, even though it was Bush's. A notable climate scientist who remained skeptical of the consensus regarding global warming spent the past two years (and a bunch of the Koch Bros money) trying to debunk it, only to find that he agrees with it and finds the science sound. Republican presidential contenders who universally praise the Constitution and every single literal word in it now attacking the federal court system and say this three co-equal branches of government isn't really so cool after all, so they are going to look past the part about lifetime appointments for federal judges and states rights is only a good thing when the states want to intrude on a woman's private relationship with her physician. Meanwhile--and this likely won't slow him down a bit--the leading Republican contender now to take the Iowa caucus apparently had to settle not one, but two, sexual harassment claims back in the 90s when he ran the National Restaurant Association. Of course, none of this will matter to the morons who intend to vote for eventual Rethug nominee as long as his/her last name is not Obama.

    So its all still pretty much FUBAR out here. Welcome back to the blogosphere.


  2. In the immortal words of Mr. Bruce Springsteen, "Adam raised a Cain." So, look on the bright side: supply side.

  3. "Life's a piece of shit
    When you look at it
    Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
    You'll see it's all a show
    Keep 'em laughing as you go
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you."

  4. Yes...
    "Some things in life are bad
    They can really make you mad.
    Other things just make you swear and curse.
    When you're chewing on life's gristle
    Don't grumble, give a whistle
    And this'll help things turn out for the best,..."


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