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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We're on Vacation

We'll be back from our friends Donna and Jenn's cottage in a couple of days and I'll start blogging again soon. Check back next week.

The view off the back deck, Garden Bay, B.C.


  1. Shame. Enjoy your vacation from your vacation. I'll anxiously await the next blog entry. Peace out.

  2. Yeah, you two being "on vacation" is like a porn star "gettin' a little" on the weekend.

  3. Oscar, how did you know what our vacations are like?

  4. So sorry to see that things are not working out as planned.. You two brave pioneers get a well deserved rest before getting back to your stressful daily routine.

  5. It IS stressful, leaving one half-finished beer to open another.


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