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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We're have a day off after spending a mind-numbing, soul-sucking acid trip through Ikea looking to replace, on a chintzy scale, some of the furniture we sold/gave away. Suffice to say, the meandering route through the plastic and formica, and the faint screaming of small children and prison labor wafting up at us from the pre-programmed route designated by our Swedish overlords, proved too much: we're shopping at Goodwill. Now I must drink another beer, from here:
--photo to come when I figure out how tf to use my iPad-

We did go and liberate our cube from customs. After an hour drive down to the border, a quick stamp of our paperwork, we secured release of the pod which we'll have delivered September 2 (at our new apartment--details to be forthcoming). I hope the migrant workers can last that long. 

After the customs "ordeal", we stopped off at a Sichuan place in Richmond. Patty's smiling because they nailed the pepper and salt peanuts.

Yep, pretty much a plate-load of peppers, sprinkled with tongue-numbing "ma la", ground from the Sichuan peppercorn, or wild prickly ash pepper (花椒 huājiāo).


  1. Mmmm peanuts.
    And the Kleenex made it thru customs!!!

  2. We might have been over tissue paper limit, you're only allowed two liters. Oh, wait, that's booze.

  3. Mmmmmmmm! Ma la! I want me some of that there dish! Mmmm!

  4. Where can I get me some of that?


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