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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We Were Somewhere Around Barstow...

... on the edge of the border, when the drugs began to take hold.

This was our last day in the States, a caffeine-powered bender from Missoula, Montana through the Idaho panhandle and Spokane, Washington and on to Kelowna, BC.

Think of the following as an homage to Jack Maher, and his penchant for taking blurry car photos.

With two bikes on the back, and steep mountain grades, somehow our mileage suffered a bit.

Patty hand-modeling our technological redundancies.

We weren't sure where to have lunch in Spokane: Big Foot sounded tempting, but Rancho Chico seemed safer.

The lonely border crossing. They were worried that we were running out of time on our permanent residency visas.

A vintage caravan photo for Barts.

Finally, our penultimate destination. On to Vancouver tomorrow.

Obviously, we're not in Kansas any more.


  1. A. You should have gone with Big Foot's.
    B. Have a Tim Horton's cruller for me. Please.

    Missing you loads already!

  2. Lord Chumley? Such an unfortunate name for a fish joint. Loving the blog. Might be escaping to Canada myself soon. Is it too late to adopt me?

  3. Hey, Raoul,

    Just stay away from the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I know you'll get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.

    The new digs look pretty swell. How long are you going to be there?

    Now what?

    Oscar Dr Gonzo Acosta, Esq.

  4. Hi Scott. We're now in the process of looking for more permanent digs, so when you guys visit, you'll have a place to stay at Chéz Damon Ouest.

  5. We'll be there. Maybe this winter.

    Looks like things are not turning out quite how you expected, ey? Smurfs? Chinese CSRs? You should have know things wouldn't be quite the way they show them in the indoctrination videos. Hope you enjoy your PUBLIC healthcare and PUBLIC markets and PUBLIC transportation. Suckers! (wait...?)



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