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Friday, August 19, 2011

Holy Smoke! You gotta love Canadia.

The most exciting thing we did today was mailing our application for health care. We did that here after lunch at Shizenya Japanese restaurant. We have to stop pretending we're on vacation and start eating in, but it was cheap.
Apparently, many U.S. expats are unaware of the fact that they MUST pay income tax even on Canadian income and even if they haven't lived in the U.S. for years (You can thank douche bag Republican Senator Chuckles Grassley of Iowa for that one. He won't touch corporations, though). Now that it's crunch time, the U.S. is stepping up enforcement efforts.

In other news: B.C. inmates are getting high with a little help from on high, by using prison-issued Bibles to roll their joints.

Read more:
They block off streets in downtown Vancouver and put out these rolling turf islands in the street for people to sit on and eat their lunches. The Howard in me objected to the germ potential. Ew. Plus, it's a little precious.

After a long day of apartment hunting, we settled in for a meal at "home."


  1. Where are all of the office people? Or are we just so far behind in dress code? Looks lovely...butt....where someone else's food has been?

  2. Enough with the food porn, already. Sheesh, I hit this site more than the Huff's Po ;-)

  3. It's not considered porn here, Jim. It's accepted.


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