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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Purging and Packing

Boy, we have a lot of crap. Over twenty years' accumulation. But after you start the process of purging, the pace quickens, and pretty soon, you look at everything with a jaundiced eye: what makes the lifeboat, and what gets thrown overboard? Even our beautiful furniture didn't make the cut.

Our goal is to initially ship one Relocube (6'3"X7'X8'4") to Vancouver. Basically our bed, our TV and stereo, our kitchen essentials, our art, and a few books. Later on, we'll maybe ship one other cube, mostly tools (you know, for barter). That's it. We're selling or giving away everything else. God it's liberating. We'll cross the border north of Missoula, Montana, with our cats, a couple of bikes, and two suitcases.

Question of the day: What to do with over 2,000 vinyl albums and 2,500 CDs?

If you have any suggestions, or want to give us any advice, feel free to do so. And remember, the party starts next Saturday, August 6, at 6 pm. Hope to see you here (and don't worry, you won't have to stand —there will still be couches and chairs until Sunday!

 We have a lot of crap, but most of it has been sold or given away.

Bye-bye lovely Stickley.

Ta-ta caressing pit of sloth.

Gonzo, Bonzo.

Ditto, kiddo (except for the large mammal).

But just try to pry the Tempur-Pedic from our cold dead backsides.

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