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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tiny Bubbles

We were downtown last week, running about, and hoping to try a new restaurant. No, we didn't run into Mike Smith (left), who plays Bubbles (our favorite character on our favorite Canadian sit-com, "The Trailer Park Boys"). But Bubbles did figure heavily in our conversation that day.
We were hoping the line wasn't too long at the Templeton. It's ostensibly an old diner, complete with jukebox full of 1960s-'80s gems. However, the food is definitely from this century, local and free-range, carnivore and vegan.

Even though it was 2 in the pm, there was a bit of a wait as the mainly hipster-youngster clientele probably just rousted themselves from sleep. This is the view from our waiting area, where we scored two of the four chairs.

Luckily, we had access to reading material to while away the twenty or so minute wait. Patty discovered this little nugget in the Vancouver Sun. Apparently, the Sun's journalists really know how to sniff out a story.

Even more remarkable is the fact the story was front page, albeit beneath the fold. Let's just say, the Vancouver Sun is no Guardian or New York Times. In fact, it's not even the Des Moines Register.

I ordered a couple of side items: a well-wrought Caesar side salad, and a fantastic and aromatic carrot and cumin soup.

Patty had the Caesar salad with a local free-range chicken. I think his name was Keith.


  1. Well, maybe a bit like the Des Moines Register. I'm not sure I'd wrap fish in either of them.

  2. i'm sooo confused about Bubbles....


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