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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chinatown Haircut 唐城理发

Stock Cinese salon photo from Google, but pretty representative.
Well, it was time for my quarterly (and first Vancouver) haircut. I figured, the one place I could get a cheap haircut, considering my modest needs (hair follicle count), was Chinatown. It was a beautiful day, and I was looking for an excuse to ride my bike downtown. Chinatown is on the eastern edge of downtown, next to the historic Gastown. It's pretty bustling and fun for a half-day excursion.

I decided to ride my Truk. It's become my favorite commuter bike.

There is a designated route all the way downtown from our place. About six miles and mostly down hill.
A couple dodgy areas where they haven't figured out the auto-pedestrian-bike interchange, but all-in-all, a fairly safe ride.

Downtown, it's even better, with a whole network of separate facilities for bikes, in addition to regular on-street markings such as sharrows (for shared lanes), and bike lanes.

There were many shops to choose from, all wanting my business on a slow day. They were all roughly the same price ($9.99). I chose the New Kowloon Beauty Salon because they let me park my bike inside.

And, as you can see, I got my money's worth. [Photo by the salon manager.]

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