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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Special Beer Update

 Hi, Pat and Jeff. Now that I have your attention, you can see there is yet one more reason to take a vacation to Vancouver. I found a source for the product. A legal one. C$5.05. Not bad. With the current exchange rate, that's $4.96. I bought one case, but they had two. I might have to return tomorrow. 

NOTE: We have to go to Seattle until Thursday, a hassle that involves legally exporting our car. So, I am taking the week off from blogging. We do plan to have fun in Seattle, however, so there might be a Seattle blog on Monday. Dai

I'm drinking the lovely stuff while writing today's special blog.
Better than crack, but not as cheap.

Special Beer Update update: I discovered Fuller's ESB in a can. It's cheaper than the bottles, but equally delicious. Yum.


  1. You've almost ruined marks taste for beer

  2. Hey Mark, I feel for you. Try ESB in a can. Actually, Ingersoll Liquor has the best prices I've ever seen this side of Chiswick.


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