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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Outside the Box

A shipping cube or pod, even a small one like we had, holds an eff of a lot of stuff. So, what does one do with all that stuff, much of which was previously ensconced in built-in storage, closets, and bookcases?
One solution is to head out to Ikea and buy some cheap crap on which to store the other crap. They come in boxes like these. Sorry for the blurry iPad photo. These are the last of the iPad pics as I now have a fully charged battery in my amazing Canon G12.

They have simple graphic warnings to remind you that you should share the pain of lifting these dense Swedish-designed Chinese toxic chemical and heavy metal encrusted particle board shelves.

Of course, if they would have used words in their warning, I might have understood.

We bought and built three of these appropriately named Expedit shelves, in various sizes, as we single-handedly prop up the economy of British Columbia. And we gave away most of our books. Criminently. Yes, it's a word.

We also bought this guest futon for the many of you who will no doubt be coming to visit, especially after President Bachmann-Perry is sworn in.

It also came in a box with graphic instructions for the many non-Swedish knuckle draggers around the world.

The instructions, however, weren't totally devoid of words.


  1. Well, hey! Where's the shots after you had it all put together and your stuff all put...oh...Oh! Sorry. We'll wait.


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